From the course: Rock Guitar Lessons: Teach Yourself to Play

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Introducing high A

Introducing high A

(rock music) - Alright, so far we've learned the notes just in the first three frets. Now we can move up out of that position to hit this high A. The fifth fret of the thinnest string (guitar strums notes) is A. So far you have, open E, first fret F, third fret G and now reaching over here with the pinky, hit that A. And this is important because you're using your pinky and that's the weakest of your four fingers, of your playing fingers so it's important to strengthen that finger and while you could shift with a different finger, I suggest you just really get that pinky strong. So let's try the next example which utilizes that high A. One, two, ready, go. (drum sticks hitting) (guitar playing musical cords) Alright let's check out the next example called Rockin' in the Dorian Mode. And it's a new kind of tonality but it mostly just moves between all of these notes in the higher position of the notes that you've learned how to read so far. Let's check it out. (drum sticks striking)…
