From the course: Singing Lessons: 4 Singing Tools

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Interpreting a lyric

Interpreting a lyric

- Here you're going to get an opportunity to apply some of the ideas that we've talked about in the last few lessons. You've been given a couple of different lenses through which you can look as you approach working on a song, as you approach the performance of a song. We talked about approaching it as an actor, and thinking about actor questions like: "To whom am I singing when I sing this song?", "To whom am I singing, "and how does that inform the way I sing?" And, the other question you would ask as an actor: "What is my motivation? "What's my goal?" "Why am I singing this song? "What do I want to accomplish in this song?" And how your choices in what emotional tools you're going to use inform your approach to the song. The other lens we looked through is the great literature lens, where we're thinking about things like tone. What is the tone of this song that I'm going for? Do I want it to be ironic? Do I want it to be energetic and effervescent and happy? Do I want it to be dark…
