From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

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Instructions: Rib cage exercise 1, part 2

Instructions: Rib cage exercise 1, part 2

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

Instructions: Rib cage exercise 1, part 2

- I'm gonna itemize the key elements of importance in this exercise, again it's simple, but the better that you pay attention to these details the more result you'll get, of course. So, first is keep your mouth open. It's really easy to forget this, but if you close it while you're stretching, most likely you won't let any air inhale, or you'll try to breathe through your nose, which is a very indirect route, so that's number one, keep the mouth open. (laughs) It doesn't have to be very much. Two, palms forward. Keep them forward, don't bring them up, keep them forward so that this muscle can help you. If your palm goes up, you're twisting it in this shoulder socket, and it's easy to rip the deltoid muscle, which is right here, so keep it forward. Three, keep our arm aligned in your shoulder, don't hyper extend it, hyper means too much, so it'd be pushing intensing. Keep it aligned in the shoulder. Next, palms flat together, that gives you a little extra oomph from the back, which is…
