From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

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Instructions: Rib cage exercise 1, part 1

Instructions: Rib cage exercise 1, part 1

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

Instructions: Rib cage exercise 1, part 1

- In this lesson we're going to focus on the very first exercise that will begin maximizing what the body needs to do as part of the natural breathing process when you're singing. I'm gonna bring on someone, Novi. Say hi. - Hi. - Ha ha. And I'm gonna use her to demonstrate it so you actually have a visual on the steps of the exercise. So the first thing we'll do is just go through the overall form and then I'll give you details about it and then I'll coach you through a number of repetitions and then we'll go through some other details so that you can get the best out of your own practicing. Okay, first is, make sure that your head is essentially level. I don't want you to be looking up, which will stretch these muscles and make some tension in your throat. Nor dipping down, which ends up, you can try it, when you do this you feel like a pressure in here, so we want to keep the chin giving enough distance here you know, in your throat, so that the muscles remain relaxed. The other…
