From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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"I Am a Pilgrim"

"I Am a Pilgrim"

- Okay, now we're gonna do a tune that starts on the five chord. So again for the key of D: D, E, F, G, and A A is the five chord. This tune is in the key of D, but it's gonna start on the A. I Am A Pilgrim, and we'll do it at a nice slow tempo, I think we're at 60 here, it's kind of a bluesy thing. We're starting on the A, then we're at the D, then we're gonna be on the G, and back to the D, and then a little A, D, G, D, A, and back to D, and again you can use any of the A chords I showed you earlier. Either this bar one, or the one that's bar just the low two strings, with these strings ringing. Or just a reminder there's this one here at the sixth fret low string and the second fret third string. Some people use their pinky for that one. That's another way to play an A. You can use anyone you want, I like to switch them around, depending on each verse, I'll use different ones just for fun. So here we go, I Am A Pilgrim. We'll do it three times through. A, here comes D, start…
