From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

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How long to practice and when to move on

How long to practice and when to move on

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

How long to practice and when to move on

- At this point you might be wondering how long should you be practicing the various techniques that are in this section as well as should you be continuing to use the warm-ups, what about the quick fix area of exercises, how do you know when to move on? In this video I just wanted to let you know that the warm-ups certainly, they start off as your vocal exercises, but then you can use them whenever you want. You can certainly, please do, use them before you practice a song or a series of songs, or you have a rehearsal, or you're going into the recording studio, or you're about to do a gig. They would be your pre-singing exercises. The quick fix series of exercises also have a similar function, and by now I hope you've experienced the immediate changes that are occurring and will continue to occur as you apply the Singing Songs Better techniques. Nonetheless, the next series of video lessons has to do with vocal health, and I would very much like for you to take a look at those…
