From the course: Banjo Lessons: 3 Playing Songs

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"Happy Birthday": Key of G

"Happy Birthday": Key of G

(banjo music) - There's a tune beloved by millions. I wish I'd written it and was collecting royalties. I'd be very happy. Anyway, "Happy Birthday." I've had a number of requests for "Happy Birthday" and I will be doing two versions: this is the version in G. Pretty straight ahead, Scruggsy, rolley sort of a thing. So, it's just very straight ahead. ♫ Happy birth- You're playing the syllables. Two forward rolls, quarter. Now you're playing the bottom part of a D chord with the index on the second fret of the third string and the ring on the fourth fret of the fourth string. Kind of a quarter note and then a forward turning into a backward roll. Then going to the fifth string for the next measure. Another "Happy Birth- Day... To... Quarter notes with eighth notes. Back to G. And three forward rolls. One, two, three. Back to the third string. ♫ Happy Birth- Now, I'm doing a pinch on the first two strings, third fret of the second with a middle finger, open first. Two forward rolls, so a…
