From the course: Bass: Teach Yourself

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The F major scale

The F major scale

- So let's check out how these keys are created. They're really created from the major scale. And the major scale is defined by a certain order of whole steps and half steps. And the major scale formula is whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. Let's form this off of F. (instructor plays F) So, a whole step is a distance of two frets and a half step is a distance of one fret. So if we play that major scale formula up on one string, it's going to be like this: from F to G is a whole step. (instructor plays F and G) And then another whole step from G to A. (instructor plays A) And then a half step higher is B flat. (instructor plays B flat) And then a whole step higher is C. (instructor plays C) Then a whole step higher is D. (instructor plays D) Whole step higher is E. (instructor plays E) And a half step is F. (instructor plays F) Whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. So that was the F Major scale…
