From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

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Exercise: Improving pitch & resonance in a song—nose buzz & scrunch

Exercise: Improving pitch & resonance in a song—nose buzz & scrunch

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 2 Singing Songs Better

Exercise: Improving pitch & resonance in a song—nose buzz & scrunch

- Now we get into some new and strangely wonderful tools. One of which is a nose buzz. We're gonna also use this later on when we talk about some other elements to vocal enhancement but hey, I'm gonna give it to you right now. So, this is so strange. Okay, you hold your nose and you're going to buzz into your nose. You're not gonna use words. It's kind of strange talking holding my nose. You're not gonna use words, you're just gonna buzz the nose. (nasally humming) If you know this song, it makes your nose run, so get some Kleenex when you do this If you know this song, do it along with me and test this out. So just buzzing here. (nasally humming) Not in the mouth. We're not in the mouth, we're in the nose. (nasally humming) Okay I'm done doing this voice. Hello. I really need a Kleenex. So, lovely, huh. This may take a little practice for you to get what I mean by buzzing it in your nose. Or you might just like a duck to water instantly, you can do it. If you do need to work on it…
