From the course: Vocal Lessons: 4 Singing Embellishments

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Exercise 3 instructions: Embellishment basics

Exercise 3 instructions: Embellishment basics

From the course: Vocal Lessons: 4 Singing Embellishments

Exercise 3 instructions: Embellishment basics

- The next exercise is actually one of the most common types of embellishments. Just because it's common, though, doesn't mean that it's outdated or bad or whatever, it always still works. This embellishment uses a chord. (playing piano chord) ♫ Hey ♫ Notice that the first note starts, then it goes a little under and slides back to it. ♫ Hey, hey ♫ This is a really cool tool, a cool tool, to use for embellishments, and we're gonna use it a little later. So it's time, it's a good time to learn it now. ♫ Hey, hey ♫ Try it yourself. ♫ Hey ♫ Notice you're gonna still use the same pronunciation in the vowel, eh. ♫ Hey, hey ♫ So you're just going just a little below and slide into it. ♫ Hey ♫ And then come down. ♫ Hey, hey, hey ♫ Hey ♫ That's slow motion. ♫ Hey ♫ Sometimes when you're learning an embellishment, you've got to slow it down. As you slow it down, you get to know the notes, you get in control of it, and it also exercises the vocal muscles so that they can do those notes for you…
