From the course: Banjo Lessons: 4 Improvisation and Melodic Styles

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“The Danny Thomas”: Part 2

“The Danny Thomas”: Part 2

- So up to that point, up to that 6/8 measure, which is the second measure of the last line, you've got, starting at part A, (banjo picking) Sorry. (banjo picking) Continuing now with the 6/8 measures, it's kind of a variation. So it's rather, than having, the way I originally wrote it was just all even 4/4 measures with a little 2/4, but it felt too regular so I wanted to change it around timing wise, and came up with these measures of 6/8. (banjo picking) So, instead of going, I'm going, so it's still this, um, the Shelton quote, or Keith roll, so you use index, and then index thumb, but rather than having four notes for that next roll, I only have two notes. To the C chord, to the, D is the chord, but it looks sort of like a B minor too. And I've got the pinky at the 12th fret of the first for that D chord. This is the end of the third measure of the bottom line, and the index at the 11th fret of the third, and the ring is just hanging out and not being played at the 12th fret of…
