From the course: Piano Lessons: 3 Sight Reading & Classical Pieces

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D Section: m. 14-18

D Section: m. 14-18

- Continuing on with our left hand octaves. We last finished off with your left hand on a d octave here. We come to a tie, now the biggest challenge is that you're gonna be jumping around in octaves, okay. So let's figure out what these notes are. Maybe what we'll do is we'll start with your thumb perhaps. Let's do your thumb alone. The very next note will be the note above f clef f which is a g, space up this is the b, but there's a flat next to it so we do this. Back down to g. And then down to d, alright. It's a great way to practice, just all thumbs, ready. Try this again. (piano notes) Tie g, b flat, g, d. Alright, now you'll notice that as an octave. You can pretty much keep your hand locked in one shape once you get familiar with how far an octave is relative to your hand lock it in position, don't get stiff, but you just wanna have your fingers open to that distance, okay. (piano chord) And then g, b flat, back down to g, and then d, okay. And again, the pedal will take care…
