From the course: Social Media Promotion for Musicians, Artists, and Engineers

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Crafting a promotional post that works

Crafting a promotional post that works

- [Instructor] As stated in previous videos, using Facebook for promotion dictates the way in which you post. That's because you have to craft each post in such a way that it provides you with brand building, promotion and information. Let's look at some examples. Having breakfast after the gig. Just had bacon and eggs and potatoes. The bacon was greasy and the potatoes were burnt. The coffee was good though. This is a bad post and here's why. First of all, it's way too personal. Who cares about your breakfast? Even if Beyonce or Adam Levine posted this, it would still be boring. Second of all, it's too long. As you'll see, shorter posts tend to work better but the only thing that's okay here is the fact that he mentioned it was after a gig which provides a slight hint of something a fan might want to know but where was the info about the gig? Let's look at an approved example. Great gig at the Capitol tonight. You people rock. Two girls jumped on stage and Joey boogied with them…
