From the course: Singing Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Core strength: Squats

Core strength: Squats

- Squats with a stability ball are a really gentle way to get core work and leg work accomplished with one exercise. Put your stability ball up against a wall, and right at the small of your back, the lower part of your back, so that you are, you can comfortably lean on it, and have your feet ever so slightly in front of your hips so that you are, you have, what you're going for is that by the time you get down into the squat position that your legs are parallel to the ground, and you've got a 90 degree angle with your legs. So, feet slightly forward of your hips, and then keeping your shoulders relaxed and your hands pulled down like you do in mountain pose, pelvis tilted forward ever so slightly just like in mountain and then it's a simple, you never lock your legs when you get to the top, keep your knees slightly bent at all times, and (exhales loudly) (exhales loudly) and you want to keep your knees so that they're not splayed out, they're not pointing in, they're coming in…
