From the course: Banjo Lessons: 4 Improvisation and Melodic Styles

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"Cattle in the Cane": Part 2

"Cattle in the Cane": Part 2

- So here's Cattle in the Cane. (banjo music) So again, we're primarily using just the A major and A minor scales here, so you start with, (banjo music) and then spread out like this, as I was earlier. (banjo music) So, middle on the fifth fret of the second string, pinkie on the seventh fret of the fourth string. And then let go with the pinkie and go up to the index on the fourth fret of the first string. (banjo music) and then do a backward draw on the middle finger inside. And I have the full A-chord down here with the ring in the sixth fret of the third string. And then we just did a little bit of four in a row. And that's because we're doing it right here. We're doing each of those strings consecutively, fourth, third, second, and first strings. (banjo music) And then you go open. Now here's a little interesting fingering thing, middle, thumb, index, thumb. Repeat this. Slide the middle finger up to the seventh fret of the second string, and the ring on the seventh fret of the…
