From the course: Acoustic Guitar Lessons: 2 Scales, Walking Bass, Hammer-Ons, and Pull-Offs

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Beginning pull-offs

Beginning pull-offs

- The next element that we're going to introduce here, that's specific to strong flat picking, it's called the pull-off. We covered the hammer-on, and now we're working with the pull-off, which is basically the reverse action. And the basic move here with a pull-off, I'll show you. We hammered on, right, from the open D, to E. Right? So the hammer-on, it's the same sort of concept where you play the E, and you don't wanna play the open D. The hammer-on hammers into the note. The pull-off pulls off the E, into the open D. So the basic move, and I'm exaggerating it a little bit. I'm playing the E, and not playing the D. And overhead, it looks. What you'll notice is I'm allowing, when you play the string, it sort of creates, you can feel the vibration under your finger. The trick is to keep your finger on the finger board. And we talked about a rest stroke with the pick. And it's a rest stroke with the finger here, because I'm actually pulling into the string below. So I'm pulling into…
