From the course: Mandolin Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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Banjo tune, "Cripple Creek" in G

Banjo tune, "Cripple Creek" in G

- Okay, now we're gonna do the classic tune 'Cripple Creek'. And this tune - every banjo player plays this. It's one of the first tunes they learn. And so as mandolin players, we have to be able to play it too. And what many folks know - don't know is that this is a vocal tune. It's really a singing old-timey tune as many tunes are and then they seem to evolve over the years and become instrumentals just because they're so fun to play as instrumentals. But I think it's always good to keep that in mind and maybe even sing the tune a few times. Just so you get a feeling for it and understand the variations and how they evolved over time. So as a vocal tune: ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ Goin' in a run ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ To have some fun ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ To see my girl ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ To have a li'l whirl ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ Goin' in a run ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ To have some fun ♫ Goin' up to Cripple Creek ♫ Goin' in a run ♫ Goin' up…
