From the course: Bookmarking Sites for Musicians and Bands

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Using Technorati

Using Technorati

Technorati is an internet search engine that has more than 110 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media indexed. It tracks not only the authority and influence of blogs, but also has the most comprehensive and current index of who and what is the most popular in the blogosphere. It now also publishes high quality, fully edited, original content daily on a wide range of topics written by hundreds of member writers. Technorati is built around tags, and tags used properly can vastly improve your chances of getting exposure. The site looks at those tags to categorize search results. With the most recent results coming first, then rates each blog's authority, which represents the number of unique links to the blog over the previous six months. Technorati has also been known to go out and find your tags, even if you don't register, although it's still best if you do.
