From the course: Bookmarking Sites for Musicians and Bands

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Submitting to StumbleUpon

Submitting to StumbleUpon

Submitting your sites to StumbleUpon will give them the opportunity to be seen, liked and shared at no cost to you. Pages that are submitted get assigned to certain categories and potentially can reach thousands of people. If your site does well among a particular interest group and receives a lot of likes as a result, it can spread across other interests and be seen even more. In order to submit your website or blog, go to the Submit page, which can be accessed from the drop down menu next to your picture, by selecting Add a page. There are a number of things to remember when you submit. Be sure to use the correct tags. Tagging allows you to label your content, so it's easily recognized by others. If, for example, you use the tag EDM, others who are fans of that category are more likely to find you. Use multiple tags as well. You can give your content a much higher chance of getting traffic if you use more than one tag. For instance, if you posted about recording at the famous…
