From the course: Audio Recording Techniques

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Using the spaced pair configuration

Using the spaced pair configuration

From the course: Audio Recording Techniques

Using the spaced pair configuration

Here's another stereo microphone configuration that's pretty easy to set up but is actually a lot harder than it seems. In this movie, I'm going to show you how to set up and use the spaced pair configuration. With the spaced pair technique, two identical mics are played several feet apart aiming straight ahead towards the instrument or musical ensemble. The mics can have any polar pattern, but an omni- directional pattern is the most popular for this method. The greater the space in between mics, the greater the stereo spread, although it's usually somewhere between 3 and 10 feet. This may seem like such a simple setup, but getting the spacing right is actually pretty difficult. If the spacing between mics is too far apart, the stereo separation seems exaggerated. On the other hand, if the mics are too close together, there will be an inadequate stereo spread. To set this configuration up, first set up two identical mics about 3 feet away from instrument or ensemble and 9 feet apart.…
