From the course: Audio Recording Techniques

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Recording a solo grand piano with one mic

Recording a solo grand piano with one mic

From the course: Audio Recording Techniques

Recording a solo grand piano with one mic

The acoustic piano is one of the most difficult instruments to record well, because of the extreme range of the instrument and the fact that the sound doesn't come from one place. But if the piano is the only instrument being recorded, it can be treated like a single sound source. In this video, I'll show you how to record a solo acoustic piano simply and easily using only one microphone, because the transient response of the piano is so great, Condenser or Ribbon mics are usually used. Don't be afraid to experiment though, since the right mic position will beat the right mic any day. Place a Directional mic aimed at the middle of the rounded part of the piano, about 6 feet away from the piano. Make sure to aim it at the lid. Speaking of the lid, try it at different heights, as the sound changes at each position. (music playing) If there is not enough ambiance, move the mic back and up to keep it at the same angle. (music playing) Another technique is to place a mic just behind the…
