From the course: Elearning Tips

How to organize your elearning project files

From the course: Elearning Tips

How to organize your elearning project files

- When you're nearing the end of your elearning project, it's easy to quickly move on to the next project without making sure you've properly packed away your previous project. At this point, you likely have all kinds of project files all over your computer, story board files, audio files, graphics, and source files from your elearning authoring tool. The last thing you want to do before moving on to your next project is to misplace or lose any of those files. You never know when you'll need them again to make updates. To do this, I recommend organizing your files into a project folder. Let me show you an example and give you some tips for doing just that. My first tip is to keep all of your project files together. For example, I just finished work on a new elearning course on customer service and you'll notice here, I have a project folder for this course. Now if I open it, this folder contains literally everything related to this project. This means I don't need to search my computer to find the files. They aren't scattered all over my desktop, they're all right here, organized in a way that I can find anything that I might need. My second tip is to create subfolders for each of your major assets. As you can see here in my project folder, I've created subfolders for just about everything, including graphics, audio, video, storyboards, and even my project planning documents. I even have an archive folder here where I can store previous versions of storyboards and other files. Since you never know when you might need to revert back to a previous version, I keep it all here. And finally, my third tip is to back up your files to the cloud. As you can see, this project folder is sitting on my desktop, which is not ideal. If my computer decided to suddenly die, I could lose days or even months worth of work. And trust me, that's happened to me before, so I always recommend backing up and saving your files to the cloud. That's just one example of how I like to organize and save my elearning project files. So before you finish your next elearning project, make sure to take a few minutes to organize your files. Trust me, it'll save you a lot of headache in the future.
