From the course: Elearning Tips

How to QA your elearning course

From the course: Elearning Tips

How to QA your elearning course

- Before you deliver your E-learning course to your learners, it's important that you stop and make sure your course is 100% good to go. You don't want to risk launching your E-learning course to hundreds or even thousands of learners to discover you missed a typo, or worse, something doesn't work. The best way to avoid this embarrassment is to conduct a quality assurance or QA check. Here are three tips for doing just that. Tip number one. QA your E-learning course early and often. As you're developing your E-learning course, it's always a good idea to check your work in real time. To keep it simple, I like to say QA along the way. What this means is that when you're designing a slide, animating content, or developing an interaction, preview it to make sure it looks and functions the way you want. Tip number two. Try to break your E-learning course. No matter what tool you might be using to develop your E-learning course, it's easy to overlook a functionality mistake. The truth is, most errors in an E-learning course are discovered when learners try to do what they aren't supposed to do. So the best way to avoid this is by literally trying to break your course when you're QA-ing it. Do the unexpected. Click on things in a different order than you intended, and see what happens. I guarantee you'll find issues that need to be fixed. And finally, tip number three. Get a second set of eyes. You know, sometimes the best people to help you QA your E-learning course are the ones who've never seen it in the first place. During your QA process, get a second or even a third set of eyes to look at and test your course. Whether it's a coworker, a friend, a family member, you'll be amazed at the number of issues they'll discover that somehow you managed to miss. All right, so the next time you're about to launch your next E-learning course, stop and take some time to conduct a quality assurance check and make sure it's good to go. Trust me, you'll be happy that you did.
