From the course: Art and Illustration Careers: First Steps


- I'm Kristin Ellison, the Content Manager of Art & Illustration. We created this course to help you get started when it comes to your career in the arts. Whether you've just graduated or are thinking about a career shift, this course will help you get started. We'll begin with the core elements; drawing, composition, color, and the creative process. Breaking art and illustration down to it's most basic elements helps us see what is most important and why. No matter what type of art or illustration you do and what media, digital or analog, all of these elements will remain fundamental to your process. We'll then explore what specific skills you'll need for careers in illustration and fine art. Although there's quite a bit of cross over between them, there are certain skills, software, and topics that are specific to each. Lastly, we'll take a look at the business of art and illustration. For many, the business side can be the most challenging. But it's as important as the work. Knowing how to promote your work, present it, and get paid for it is what will keep your business thriving. This course is a general overview of the essentials of art and illustration that you need to know. I won't be covering them in depth but instead I'll suggest courses that focus on each topic. We have some amazing courses in which creative pros with years of experience share the tips and tricks they've learned the hard way. So, let's get started learning all about what you need to know to ensure a successful and rewarding career in art and illustration.
