From the course: ArchiCAD 22 Essential Training

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Graphic overrides

Graphic overrides

- [Voiceover] Now let's take a look at another filter in ArchiCAD which is called Graphic Overrides. So right now we are using no overrides, so let's zoom in a little bit here in this corner and start changing them to see what happens. So I'm going to change here to Cardboard model and as you can see, the whole plan is kind of gray. If I change here to something like the fire plan, you'll notice that the walls are now transparent and all my zones are kind of red. And if we try here a simplified plan override, you're going to see that all my walls are gray and I no longer have those cover fills for the tiles on the bathrooms. And as the name suggests, this is overriding all the graphical attributes of the elements. So let's see how we do that. Let's go to documents, Graphic Overrides. Here we have a graphic override combinations for the settings. We have those overrides that we looked at, and then we have the graphic override rules. We're going to look at that in a little bit. So I'm…
