From the course: Photos for macOS Catalina Essential Training

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Why it’s better to edit video on an iPad than your Mac

Why it’s better to edit video on an iPad than your Mac - Apple Photos Tutorial

From the course: Photos for macOS Catalina Essential Training

Why it’s better to edit video on an iPad than your Mac

- [Instructor] Some interesting things have happened with the latest round of Apple Operating System's macOS Catalina on the Mac which we've been working with here in Photos. In Photos itself, not a lot changed on top. A lot of it happened under the hood and the video is a perfect example of this. I'm going to be talking about video for the next few movies. And if we go to Edit mode with a video here, you'll notice that Adjust, Filters, and Crop, they're all grayed out so we never could edit video in Photos before, not those tools anyway. What we have been able to do, we still can do, which is, we can trim and we can export a frame to Pictures. So nothing's really changed there and it's limited but it's still nice to be able to have those tools. I'm going to click on Done right here. But let me take you to iPadOS which came out just a little before macOS Catalina. Here we're looking at Photos in iPadOS. We open the same…
