From the course: Angular: Ecosystems

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Project management

Project management - Angular Tutorial

From the course: Angular: Ecosystems

Project management

- Managing your Angular project through the development and delivery process is just as important as writing code. There are deadlines, dependencies and maybe even work that needs to happen at the same time across teams. There's also documentation and keeping track of the state of the code base. It's easy to lose track of all these deadlines and documents without a system. This is why GitHub and Bitbucket are great places to start managing your projects. Not only do GitHub and Bitbucket offer version control, a topic we covered earlier in this course, but they also let you track issues, write Wiki pages and open pull requests, all in one place. Issues let you track any kind of task you want. It's like a to do list for your team and it gives you a great overview of who's working on which tasks. A Wiki lets you write long-form content about your project. This might be documentation, design goals, a road map, or anything else you want to share with people in your project. Pull requests…
