From the course: Angular: Ecosystems

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Code editors

Code editors

- Source code editors are computer programs that let you manage and edit plain text files. There are many editors out there, and each offer something unique. On one end are the very basic text editors that come installed with most modern operating systems. These programs are great when you're just starting out because they're easy to learn. The program Notepad comes pre-installed on most modern Windows machines and works very well as a basic text editor. Modern Macs have a program called TextEdit that works the same way as Notepad. Linux distributions also have built-in text editors. The specific editor you have will vary based on the distro. As you write more code, you may want to upgrade your editor to something that offers extra features and will make your job as a developer much easier. I recommend looking into Visual Studio Code, a free and open source editor with a large global community that works very well with Angular projects. Other open source options like Atom, Brackets…
