From the course: Concurrent Programming with Android: Threads, Workers, and Kotlin Coroutines

What you should know

- [Instructor] This course was designed for software developers who are building mobile apps for Android devices. The course assumes that you have a basic understanding of how Android development works, that you're comfortable working with visual components, such as activities and XML layouts, and you also understand the basics of listening for and handling events in the Android user interface. If you're brand new to Android development, I recommend first watching the courses in the series Android Development Essential Training. Those courses will help you get started with basic programming skills for Android apps. This course also assumes that you understand the use of some of what are known as the Jetpack components, specifically two architecture components, ViewModel and LiveData, that are designed to enable reactive programming. To learn about these, you can watch this course that builds an entire project from scratch using these architecture components. And also, critically, this course uses the Kotlin programming language and not Java. Android is now a Kotlin-first platform. If you're brand new to the language, you can get started with it with the Kotlin Essential Training course. And in this course, I'll also be using some more advanced components of the language, including lambda expressions and extension functions. If you're new to these tools, you can learn about them in this course that's specifically designed for Android developers. These and other courses in the library can help you improve your skills, so you can get the most out of this course.
