From the course: Android Development Tips

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Manage persistent data with Realm

Manage persistent data with Realm - Android Tutorial

From the course: Android Development Tips

Manage persistent data with Realm

- [Instructor] When you want to save data on a device in an Android app, the first technology most developers use is SQLite. Support for SQLite is included in the Android SDK and Google provides plenty of support for using it in the form of helper APIs, documentation and examples. And the new architecture components that were introduced at Google I/O 2017 include the Room library that makes it easier than ever before to define a database structure and work with data in SQLite but there are other options for persistent storage in Android. One of these is Realm, a data persistence library that makes it incredibly easy to store simple data persistently. Realm is available for a number of languages and platforms but in Android you'll use the version that's built for Java. The client-side version of Realm is free. There are other additions including a server side implementation that require a paid license but for simple Android client use, you can use the library without paying a license…
