From the course: Building Android Apps with AWS

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List maker app demo

List maker app demo

- [Instructor] So on this course, I'm gonna be demonstrating the integration of Amazon Web Services using a little app I made called ListMaker. And it's just a simple app that lets you create some lists, and then you can add items to those lists. So I'm gonna be using Android Studio for the development, and I'm gonna be running the app in a Google Pixel XL emulator, and that's just one of the standard emulators that comes with Android Studio. And I did write most of the code for this app in Kotlin, so if you feel like you want a refresher on Kotlin, or any of the syntax, you might want to check out the Kotlin Essential Training course. So to start off, I'm just gonna run the app here, and show it to you a little bit, and then we're gonna go through how the code is set up. So this first screen of the app is just for creating lists or selecting lists, and you can see that I've already got a couple created that are called Shapes and Colors, and if I select the Colors list, for example…
