From the course: Leveraging Cloud-Based Machine Learning on AWS: Real-World Applications

What you should know

- [Instructor] So what skills do you need to learn about AI on Amazon Web Services? Well first and foremost, we're assuming that artificially intelligent systems are going to be a huge deal on cloud based systems for the next several years and these include systems that are built from scratch, net new, or systems that are migrated. Skills you really should have before taking this course include basic understanding of cloud computing and public clouds in general. So, what is Amazon Web Services? What is Microsoft Azure? What is Google Cloud Platform? A basic understanding of how data works, either raw storage of information or systems that exist in databases. Ultimately, processes around application development including emerging best practices. How security works, basically. How governance works and ultimately a good understanding of the business skills, including the requirements to leverage new systems and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.
