From the course: AWS Quick Tips for Developers

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Saving money with S3 Glacier

Saving money with S3 Glacier

- [Instructor] If you have a folder in your S3 Bucket that's used for data, for backups or something you don't need to hardly ever access, you might want to turn on Glacier and save some money. So I'm going to click on my Bucket here, check the Folder and under Actions, select Change Storage Class. You want to be familiar with all the attributes of the different Storage Classes to make sure you pick the right one. Glacier's right here. You can also click on the pricing to see the different prices of the Storage Classes. Down here we can see that Glacier is less than half a penny per gig per month. That means you could store 250 gig and it would cost $1 a month. Of course you can't access it immediately but that's the price you pay other than the half a penny a month. I use Glacier for my backups for all my family photos. That way, I can get to them if I need to, it's cheap in the meanwhile and the only reason I need to get to 'em is if something catastrophic happened to my computer…
