From the course: AWS Quick Tips for Developers

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- [Instructor] The AWS Simple Queue Service is a great way to send, store, and receive messages between software components without coupling them. So let's go create a queue. At the SQS Dashboard, I'm going to click Create New Queue, and I'm going to name it myq. And I'm going to select the Standard Queue over the First In First Out Queue, and you can read the differences here. I'll click Quick-Create Queue and now our queue's created. And I want to kick off a Lambda whenever there's a message in this queue. I've already got a Lambda function here that just prints out to the console. We need to make sure that its role has the right permissions, so I'll click View TestFunc-role, and down here we can see that it has the AWSLambdaSQSQueueExecutionRole, which allows it to receive messages, and so on. So back at the Lambda up at the top I'm going to click Add trigger, and I'll type sqs and select that. I'm…
