From the course: Deploying Your AWS Application to the Cloud with Docker

Base knowledge

- [Instructor] In order to be able to take full advantage of this learning experience, it's recommended that you have some prior knowledge in the following. For version control, I will be using CodeCommit to host our code, which is a Git-compatible repository. If you're not familiar with Git, there's plenty of training material around it in the LinkedIn Learning library. Since we'll be focus on the deployment process, we won't spend too much time on infrastructure components, such as the load balancers and the underlying network. It also helps to understand what a container is and what it's used for. However, we'll take the time to build ours step by step. Finally, since we'll be using Amazon Web Services as our cloud provider for this course, it helps a lot if you have a good grasp on the subject. There are several great courses on AWS basics in the LinkedIn Learning library. And with that said, let's get started.
