From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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- MFlare is a plug-in produced by motionVFX. Not a lot of people know about this because the company makes products primarily for Final Cut Pro X and Apple Motion. MFlare offers a variety of presets and it's own interface for lens flare creation. Let's take a tour of the basics. So mFlare is another stand alone lens flare package, available from I done a search in my Effects & Presets for mFlare from motionVFX and if you have it installed, you can follow along. I'll select the effect and apply it to the clip in my 6_5 composition. You can see that the lens flare gets added and with the effect still selected in Effect Controls I can play with it's on screen controls to move where the center point of the lens flare is located. Like other lens flares, I've got some controls, here for the Global controls of the lens flares. Such as, you can see down here, if I wanted to switch the color I could select the eye dropper. Maybe sample a color from this window over here. I want…
