From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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- iExpressions is a collection of helpful expressions that we can apply to layers, with the click of a button. If you're looking to have your layer bounce or jump, you can simply apply an expression, by highlighting the property you want to affect. Let's see how it's helpful when it comes to keyframing. So if you're looking for a way to limit the amount of expressions that you see in your life, then iExpressions is definitely something to keep in mind. I am working in the same project I did last time, we're actually just starting off from scratch, so there's a clock that animates from off-screen, on-screen, and a bunch of layers that kind of grow in scale. I like to just add a bit more pizazz to this animation. So this time, I'm actually going to solo the TV layer, and we're going to use an iExpression on this. So, iExpressions is also available at, there, it's basically a package of several expressions that you can apply to either specific layers or cameras, that…
