From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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Zaxwerks Invigorator PRO

Zaxwerks Invigorator PRO

- Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator PRO allows you to create 3D text and logo animations directly inside of Adobe After Effects. Let's take a look at what this plug-in has to offer. So, to find out more information about Zaxwerks Invigorator PRO, you can head to the website and take a look under products. So, once we click on Products, there are a ton of different Zaxwerks plug-ins, and we're going to be focusing on the Invigorator PRO, but you can see here ProAnimantor AE and a bunch of different products. You can also become more familiar with the tutorials that they have to offer on all of their products, some great ones in both beginner, intermediate, and advanced. So keep in mind this is a great resource to have for all different things. Let me just close this out and we're going to hop into After Effects. I'm here in my Chapter 4_7 composition, I've got a Zaxwerks solid layer in the composition and a background that's a gradient that's going to be revealed. Once I apply the…
