From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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Working with BCC 10: Boris Continuum Complete

Working with BCC 10: Boris Continuum Complete - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

Working with BCC 10: Boris Continuum Complete

- Boris Continuum Complete is a plug-in package that consists of over 250 plus effects and thousands of presets. Some of the effect categories include lighting effects, blurs, color adjustments, and it even includes it's own title studio. While Boris has an extreme amount of options, it's important to note that they produced their package for a variety of applications. This means, some tools and features may be more useful to say a video editor, working in Avid, to someone in After Effects who already has a similar tool. Regardless, Boris Continuum has a ton of helpful features for After Effects users. Let's take a tour of the collection. So if you're looking to follow along, I suggest that you go to the website and under the products section you're going to see Boris Continuum Complete that we can access here. This is where we can download a free trial of BCC 10 for Adobe or any of the applications that you might want to try it out in, along with some of the features that…
