From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Terms and Technology

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What is the correct color space for video?

What is the correct color space for video?

- Besides the bit depth for each individual pixel, it's important to realize that there are different color modes, how Photoshop or Illustrator uses color to really build the file. Remember, these graphic tools are used by lots of different professions. An architect can use Photoshop, a dentist, a scientist, a photographer, a video professional, and each of them will often have a different output or device. Are they designing graphics for the screen, a web browser, for a television display, or digital cinema? All of these handle color a bit differently, particularly the difference between print versus screen. Adobe Illustrator, for example, and Photoshop will often use a mode called CMYK, or Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key, or black. What happens here is that the four different colors are used in the subtractive model of color. This is the printed page. The more color that's added together on the printed page, the closer it moves towards black. Now, on the other hand, in the world of…
