From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Terms and Technology

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Using video templates in Photoshop

Using video templates in Photoshop

- Earlier we talked about getting your graphic sized correctly for a video project. Currently, Photoshop ships with many built-in templates and other than the safe title areas, which we'll talk about more in a moment, they're pretty accurate and quite useful. From the File menu, when you choose New you'll see that there are many choices. Just go to the film and video category and you'll find all of the blank document templates that are quite useful. Now, the most common ones will be on top. 1080, 720, and that's useful, but if you click Show All Presets, you'll notice that we have additional ones here for 4K and above. Now, you can't reorder these unfortunately. It would be nice to, but it is quite useful that you have all of these templates here that you might need for a particular project, ranging from digital cinema up to 8K, down to older standard definition formats. When you choose one of these, I suggest that you always make a small tweak. By default, these templates are set to…
