From the course: Documentary Photo Techniques with Photoshop and After Effects

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Using layer styles for a consistent effect

Using layer styles for a consistent effect

- You may find it useful to create a layer style that you can apply to multiple objects quickly. By creating a layer style, multiple effects can be stored within one effect and with a single click you can apply that to a new photo. Let me show you how. Let's go in and open up two different images. I want to make these look consistent. Now to use layer styles, you'll need to double click so it's a floating layer. Now below you'll see layer styles. Let's start with a color overlay. This will allow me to choose the color that I'd like to use. You can use the mixer here or the color board until you find the color that's representative of what you'd like. Then take advantage of blending modes such as Hue or Color to apply. Color looks pretty good there. I'm just going to tweak that slightly. So it's a little lower opacity. It gives it a nice consistent CP effect. While we're at it, you'll see other choices here like Gradient Overlay. For example, I can click to add a gradient. Let's choose…
