From the course: Documentary Photo Techniques with Photoshop and After Effects

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Using ease and keyframe assistants

Using ease and keyframe assistants

- AfterEffects offers several different options on how keyframes are interpreted. We could put ease to create natural movement in and out for some resistance or even add a bit of random wiggle or scaling options to make things look a little less computer generated. Here's how. You can continue to work with the files that you've been playing with or open up the stage two file. If you click on a property, you'll see the individual keyframe selected. Clicking on this icon here will show you the Graph Editor and you can actually view the acceleration curve. Now this acceleration is fine but it's very linear. So let's click on that and I'll choose animation, keyframe assistant. Now you can't change it here in the graph editor, so toggle out, click on the word scale, and choose animation, keyframe assistant, exponential scale. Now if you look at the graph editor, you'll see instead of being a straight linear line, there's a little bit of a curve to it, creating a more natural feeling to the…
