From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Terms and Technology

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Understanding file extensions and file formats for video workflows

Understanding file extensions and file formats for video workflows

From the course: Motion Graphics for Video Editors: Terms and Technology

Understanding file extensions and file formats for video workflows

- Now earlier, I mentioned the concept of file extensions. This is the multi-letter code that comes at the end of a file. And this is how the computer knows what type of file it is. Now, this code is critically important. Particularly when you move a file over a network or you send it to someone else. Especially true when you switch platforms for example going from to Mac to PC. For example, let's duplicate this Photoshop document here. And I'm going to change the extension to ppt for PowerPoint. Then click Ok. Now, let's reveal that file and try to open it. Now in this case, it tried to open it into Keynote on the Mac. Or perhaps it would go into the native PowerPoint. That's because the computer thinks that that's the application to use based on the file extension. However, once PowerPoint or Keynote tries to open up that file it's going to become quickly confused and throw up an error because it doesn't find the type of data it needs inside the container. Now the computer can get…
