From the course: After Effects Weekly

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Tapered shape strokes

Tapered shape strokes

- Welcome to After Effects Weekly. I'm Eran, and this time, I'll show you how to create, round, wavy, and pointy shape strokes, with the new parameters, under the shape stroke, named, taper, and wave. So we are continuing, with this hypnotic animation of Mr. Bear here, which is actually a doctor. And to make it official, I'm going to switch on this shape layer, that I've drew in advance, and this state his name, as, Doctor, Bear. Now, to show you what I did, I'm going to trill it down, and open its contents. So, we have shape number one here, and this is this group. Well to make sure that we can see all the mask, and shape of visibility, I'm also going to zoom into this, by holding down the Option or ALT key, and scrolling up with the mouse. And then just holding down the Space bar key, to get the temporary hand tool, I'm just going to concentrate on this, shape. So, I'll open it up in…
