From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Scrolling the timeline

Scrolling the timeline

- As you work with the timeline, you'll often need to scroll. Perhaps it's to see multiple layers or to cover different time points. Let me show you how. Now, you'll notice here that depending upon how we set our magnification, we might be able to see everything in a timeline or only part of the timeline horizontally. You'll notice that we have a zoom slider down here to increase the magnification level of the timeline as well as the ability to move through our timeline quite simply. Dragging the scrubber up here makes it simple to scroll as well as adjust what's going to fit into the field of view. So as we pull these handles, you see that the timeline expands or contracts as needed for level of detail. Now, if you are on a track pad device, you can use a sideway scroll gesture to scroll through the timeline horizontally. Scrolling up and down will move you vertically. This could be quite useful as you can quickly navigate to see multiple layers. Holding down the Alt key will allow…
