From the course: After Effects Guru: Creating Presets and Controllers

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Saving your control layers and expressions

Saving your control layers and expressions

- So you've done a lot of hard work on a project. You've created animations, used expressions, as well as a very cool looking text layout. In this movie, we're going to explore some of the best practices for saving your work so you can use it on future AE projects in a variety of different ways. When it comes to saving expressions and controllers, I think it's important to note that trying to save them as a preset won't work in many situations, and that is just because you have controllers that are linked to other values, or other layers. So although if I selected each of these given expression controllers, right click them and chose to save them as a preset, they're going to be unlinked to the layers itself. So I do recommend that you actually do save out the projects that these expression controls are attached to. And this doesn't take a lot of work. We can just take this existing project that we have several compositions in, in fact I'm in my chapter 3_7 composition, which has a…
