From the course: After Effects Guru: Plugins You Should Know

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Sapphire S_Beauty

Sapphire S_Beauty

- Sapphire also has a built-in beauty effect with its effects package. In this movie, let's see how s_beauty works on our clips. So I double-clicked my 0304 composition to open in the timeline and with the clip selected, I'm going to do a search for s_beauty. And I'll double-click that effect to apply it to the clip. Now like other effects we've seen in the beauty category, this applies an initial correction. So it's chosen a skin color. Now if I click the effects badge off and on, you can see the initial correction it's done in terms of blurring, saturation, contrast, and as you can guess, a lot more. If I'm looking to make adjustments to this, I can choose to select another skin color based from its initial selection. And that selection would update. If you're curious to know what the selection is, go to the show category and change it from final to skin detect match. With this enabled, I can start to play with all the parameters under skin color to refine the selection. So I'm…
