From the course: After Effects Apprentice: 03 Advanced Animation

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Reviewing keyframes

Reviewing keyframes

- [Instructor] We're going to start with a quick review of what keyframes look like, how to reveal them, and how to navigate between them. If you're already comfortable with this, feel free to skip to the next movie. If you have the project files that come with this lesson, open up project AEA_AdvancedAnimation.aep, and we're going to be in composition 00-Keyframes 101. This composition contains an animation. You can drag the current time indicator through the timeline to see how things change over time, or you can click the RAM Preview button in the Preview panel, or press 0 on the numeric keypad. The green bar shows a caching of frames for this animation, and then we'll play it back in real time. You see that we have our snowflake both moving around the screen, animating its position, and also changing in size, animating its scale. I'll press the space bar to stop my preview. To reveal my keyframes I can do a few different things, one, I can click on this arrow which we call a…
