From the course: After Effects Guru: Mastering the Timeline

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Retiming keyframes

Retiming keyframes

- A lot of times as you animate, you might decide that it's necessary to re-time an animation. Maybe you want to speed things up or slow it down. There are a couple of ways of doing this. In the timeline, let's just select all of the layers, and I'll press U to see the user added keyframes. Now, what I can simply do is select a series of keyframes by dragging around them, and just repositioning them with a simple drag command in the left click. You see, we can move those elements. And that works quite well. Let's choose undo. You can also have multiple elements selected, for both the beginning and the end, and drag to reposition. Now this can be quite useful if you combine this with a keyboard shortcut. For example, let's select layer number one here, and I'll press the J and K key to move between keyframes. Now what I want to do is re-time these, so they line up. So I'll just drag that and pull it down, and if I hold down the shift key, you'll see that it snaps to the play head. This…
